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Richard Hey

Get clued up on critical illness cover

A survey has indicated that many young adults are ill-informed about insurance, as 53% of 18-40 years olds do not know the purpose of critical illness cover*. In fact, 29% admitted they did not even know what it was.


Once critical illness insurance was explained to them, 4 out of 5 said they would consider it. This highlights a lack of awareness, which is perhaps due to the taboo surrounding death and illness; 21% of respondents were reluctant to think about what their loved ones would do if they became unwell. According to the research, if young adults were to take out cover, it would mainly be for their own peace of mind.


It’s good to talk - we can advise on the cover that best suits your specific needs.


As with all insurance policies, conditions and exclusions will apply.


* Beagle Street

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